Sibling Rescue & Survival

Our world is vast and good people can be found throughout, but atrocities against children occur daily. It is our calling to pay attention and open our eyes to their suffering and abuse wherever possible. Following is the true story of three sisters, whom we will rename Alma (age 17,) Tala (age 16), and Jasmine (age 14), who are from Luzon, Philippines. Life took a wrong turn after their mother abandoned them, leaving them to be raised by their father. The girls were left in the company of their grandfather and two uncles while their father struggled to find employment wherever he could. He is a good man. Unfortunately, the three siblings were continually sexually abused by their family caretakers - unbeknownst to the rest of the family. Threatened with dire repercussions if they spoke of their abuse, and sometimes even paid to keep quiet, the horrific situation continued for years.

Their Aunt, who lived over 500 miles away in southern Luzon, suspected things were not right and convinced their father to let the children live with her. He reluctantly agreed, knowing he could not support them properly. With the help of Sister Angela of the Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries, the children's suspected situation was brought to the authorities. However,  the grandfather is a government official, and the girls fearing for themselves and each other, would not speak out. So, their cases were not addressed.

The eldest, Alma, ran away from everyone as her trust in adults was lost. Her current whereabouts are unknown. Tala, the middle child, finally spoke up to her aunt about the abuse she suffered beginning at age nine which continued until age fifteen. Along with Sister Angela they approached a local agency and her story was told. Tala was permitted to leave Luzon and enter our Home of Love in Cebu. But Jasmine, too young to be able to verbalize the abuse she also suffered, was left behind and heartbroken to be separated from her sister.

In early 2022 Jasmine found her voice and confided in a teacher about the sexual abuse she had endured for years, and with the help again of her aunt and Sister Angela, a rescue mission was put into place. On June 3, 2022, an early morning flight departed Luzon for Cebu, and Jasmine was reunited with her sister Tala in our Home of Love. Today, both girls flourish in a caring environment as they work to build a life containing safety, trust, and love.

The persistence of those who deeply care to save children from such circumstances can be found in all good people. It is just a matter of taking action in any way we can. 💕

Story by Rhonda Kanet Chambless 5.16.2023


Do You Know Who I Am?


Journey to Virac